After 30+ years in healthcare I thought I had seen and heard most everything. That was until my dear sister started having major health issues, one after another. Initially we were relieved that she would be able to access a public health system, given her limited income and no health coverage. Very quickly the huge variations in professionalism and just basic caring came to light. Excellence to disgusting.
This blog is a joint effort between myself, my sister and her daughter, who has been by her side throughout this journey. The intent isn't to bash healthcare and those who should probably be in a different profession, but to highlight those who provide the type of excellent care we all deserve and want. We'll share our stories of caring, compassionate caregivers, and give examples of the not-so-wonderful experiences to explore how things could have gone differently. We'll also share what we've learned along the way: how to be a good patient, how to handle caregiving at home, and what you can do as a friend or relative of someone dealing with illness.
Wishing you wellness!
Debbie, Karyn & Chelsea